

before brash revetment

This picture shows the collapsing bank before our revetment work. Note the turf in the water and two lines of fence as the farmer tries to keep up with the rapid rates of erosion. 

Immediately after completion of brash revetment. This work serves to stabilise the bank. It’s profiled to reduce the possibility of undercutting.  The woody structure also adds habitat for insects and fish. 

  1. Large volumes of fine sediments released into river. Able to choke fish redds and remove oxygen content from gravel, endangering certain aquatic invertebrates and removing interstitial space used by juvenile fish 
  2. Loss of farm land 
  3. Dangerous slumping bank 
  4. No connection to floodplain
  5. Loss of fencing materials into river
  1. No more loss of soil, and no more fine sediment input to river 
  2. Stabilised bank so no more loss of land
  3. Safer, re-profiled, graded bank
  4. Improved connectivity to floodplain
  5.  Fence will function to keep livestock out, so trees can grow
  6. Increased habitat provision for invertebrates and fish
  7. Vegetation can now re-establish on the banks and surrounding land thereby increasing habitat mosaic, biodiversity and bio-abundance
  8. The river is now more resilient during high flow events