about us
The River Revivers husband and wife team.
Duncan Pepper
Duncan has a degree in ecology from Aberdeen University and prior to River Revivers worked as a biologist for fisheries trusts in Scotland.
Maja Pepper
Scotland Maja graduated from Valencia University with a masters equivalent (superior degree) in Environmental Engineering with a specialisation in river geomorphology.
Since university Duncan and Maja have been designing and delivering river restoration projects for TRAGSA in Spain, The Argyll Fisheries Trust, Nature Scot, The Woodland Trust and various private estate owners in Scotland.
Our Mission
To make Scotland’s rivers healthier.
To bring benefits to both wildlife and people.
Guiding Principles
Rivers Require Room
Allowing rivers the space to undergo change is essential for maintaining healthy function
Removal Rarely Recommended
Neither wood nor water. Water should infiltrate, wiggle, be interrupted and left behind. Inefficient hydrological conveyance is often the hallmark of a healthy river.
Roughage Reaps Rewards
Woody structure forces changes in flow patterns that produce physical diversity. A diverse river is far more resilient, and hosts more life, than a simplified one
Attempting to help create the place where humans and nature can live together harmoniously.